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Sunday, April 11, 2010

over the weekend.

finally saw this over the weekend:
i know i'm a bit late on the must-see movies, but when you're broke as a joke and jobless like nobody's business, you sure as heck don't have $10 to see a movie. sad but true. when i saw it was at the cheap-o theatre, i jumped at the chance to see it. 
anyway, it was pretty good. i liked it, but i don't see why people kept going and seeing it over and over and over... hmmmm. maybe someday i'll know.

i also did a little of this over the weekend:
retail therapy for the room. i finally have sheets and a comforter that i pretty much love and i found a few other things for ridiculously good deals so... i bought them. and i didn't stop with the bedroom. i found other great deals for things that will be going in my future house. i. couldn't. resist.
(pics to come soon! believe me. they're pic worthy.)

also, i don't know if you care or not, but i had lunch here (finally):
i've eaten there before. many times. and i actually haven't even liked it until just recently (but seriously where else can you eat pretty healthy for a pretty good price as well?!) but as of late i've been dying for some rio. and finally i got some. oh. you don't know what cafe rio is? well if you live in az, co, ca, id, nv, or ut, you're in luck there may be a cafe rio near you. {click here for location finder.} if you don't then i recommend vacationing to one of those places and trying the rio. its worth it. believe me. best. mexican. food. ever. (besides hole in the walls. those are the best.)

other than that i finally got my room un-packed (now i just have to get to decorating... even though i'll have to pack it all back up in a couple of months.) and hung out with the fam. nice weekend.

what'd you do? i'd love to hear.



  1. Sounds like a very fun weekend! I am another one who does not understand the hype that is Avatar. I have not seen it and do not plan to.


  2. i loved avatar but i only saw it once. i guess i can see one reason for people to go see it twice, 3x, whatever...

    his name is sam worthington. yum!

  3. i thought it was really good. good spfx, story etc. but i don't think i could sit through it that often! he was... okay. :) i prefer my men brown! ;)
