welcome to my archives! these posts are what used to be on my blog just me. they are now here and something else is there.
visit just me to see what's there now in the place of where these used to be...

Sunday, August 8, 2010


why do i keep changing my blogger banner?
because. i haven't found something that screams "this is me!" just yet. i get closer and closer everytime, but haven't quite struck gold.
in addition to that, change = me. i'm a chameleon. an ecclectic. so the frequent changing of my blog kind of represents the way i live my life. 

that is all.

tally ho.


  1. I'm also trying to find the right look for my blog. I need a change.

  2. ha i love this! i think you are genius by just being YOU. For real. I don't know if i could ever try to create your style because you are just awesome the way you are. I love what you come up with. I change, or used to change pretty often as well. I can't stick with one thing for too long. there's nothing wrong with that!

  3. @amy thanks you are too sweet. i think i'm liking the one i have now though. it just took some coaxing!

    @eric i know right?!

    @alecia thank you, thank you, thank you. you inspired me. :)

  4. Ummm...Ilovethisone!
    ...and I change my blog constantly too.
    Love the Alice in Wonderland quote. =) Too cute!
