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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

you CAN have your {cup}cake and eat it too.

lauren of busy bee lauren has officially made my life. i just found out today that i won the vintage polaroid camera she featured in her give away. that means this little beauty:

will be all mine soon!
THANK YOU LAUREN! (can you tell i'm serious? i used all caps)
she also posted a link to my blog on the winner information which gained me some awesome new followers! welcome to the blog court, becca, laura, CaL, nicole, sophia, amylou, iram, sheena, and jmay!

besides that, we had the most beautiful thunder storm at about 5am today and its been stormy and gloomy ever since which in my book = awesomeness. and to top it all off, sytycd is on tonight! i'm totally team robert!

how's your wednesday going?! who's your favorite sytycd contestant this season??

*photo courtesy of busy bee lauren. i did not take the photo and i don't own it.


  1. Congrats! thats a great giveaway!

  2. sweet!! can't wait to see the pics you take

  3. oooohhhh!!!! you better hang on tight to your new polaroid. that thing is one highly desired by many.


  4. Congrats on winning the giveaway! So glad to be a new follower! Your blog is adorable!

  5. wow! thats fantastic aw thank you for the welcome, I love your blog :} ♥
