welcome to my archives! these posts are what used to be on my blog just me. they are now here and something else is there.
visit just me to see what's there now in the place of where these used to be...

Friday, July 30, 2010

nation-wide invite to the zac efron google-fest.

it sort of feels like forever since i last blogged... i've just been having a rough go at life lately and i haven't really had any sort of a desire to air my dirty laundry so i've mostly been keeping to myself.
now that i'm feeling a little better, i'm ready to take on the bloggersphere once again. and what better subject to talk about then my big gno {girls. night. out.} tonight!
so, without further ado...
you are cordially invited to:

come one come all, ladies! charlie st. cloud opened today and that's definitely reason to celebrate. a few of my friends an i are making a night of it with dinner and the late showing of charlie st. cloud. along with us, i'm encouraging all the ladies out there to join our forces and see charlie st. cloud this weekend!

who's with me?!

Monday, July 19, 2010


i, like every other american, saw inception this weekend. basically it was so phenomenal that i need to dedicate almost a full post specifically to the film and its creators:

dear christopher nolan,
thank you for making a wonderfully awesome movie. hollywood needs to take a tip from you and start being more creative and dynamic when it comes to making movies. although you do do sequels, you know how to do it and hold a story together. you are climbing my favorites list (which puts you right up there with steven spielberg, and tim burton). basically, i've loved everything you've done that i have seen and i say props my good man. props.
(yeah, wanna know why he's so amazing? BECAUSE HE'S BRITISH!)

dear cillian murphy,
swoon, heart, love, and all that good stuff. i was excited to see you in cn's latest film and hope you remain on his team of returning actors. i love you, i love you, i love you. muwah.
p.s. i only watch batman begins for you. only for you.
(so, he's irish, but he lives in london and guess, what? that totally counts.)

dear ellen page,
holy amazingness! you can act! i guess my girl crush on you is relevant, especially now. (speaking of girl crushes, did everyone hear my girl rosie (huntington-whiteley) is taking megan fox's place in the transformers trilogy? atta girl!) you did a fabulous job and you proved you can do more than just quirky. you can do wicked awesome and i love it. you are my biggest fan.

and to everyone else who was involved in inception, wonderful work guys! even leo dicraprio can have my nod of approval on this one. :)

that being said, there's really only one other matter i need to address right now and it has to do with this guy:

and these films:

that's right. it was confirmed this last week that there will be another mission impossible film. my one question, why?! does the world really need more mission impossible films? does the world really need more tom cruise films at all? i would think the answers would be no and no. absolutely not. come on hollywood, are you really that desperate for film ideas that you have to bring this series back from the dead? i mean really.

happy monday folks. make it a good one.

*all photos were found via google.com/images.

Friday, July 16, 2010

its the freakin' weekend.

i'm so glad its friday. so glad.
not only because my brother is heading down to visit for a day, but also because next week i get a 5 day weekend. that's right, 5 friggin days of soaking up the 112 degree rays of sun that is st. george, ut. most people would moan at triple digits, but i'm from the 435. i welcome it. i'm the type of  crazy phsyco wearing long sleeved cardigans and bundling up in blankets even through the summer season.

anyway, i've had some pretty random things on my mind today and i just thought i'd share.
for starters, i love that people think i'm anywhere from 2-6 years younger than i actually am. last week i went in for a consultation with a professor of mine and he was mentioning the year i graduated, except he was way off. he thought i graduated in 2006 or even 2008. how flattering. try 2004 buddy. and then this week, as i was riding with the random good samaritan that took me to school on wednesday, i was telling her how i put school off for 6 years. she said "you don't look that old at all!" how sweet she is! but none of that changes the fact that in a little over a month i'll be 25 years old. i don't want to talk about it.

secondly, do you know what i hate? seeing dead animals. especially when i've seen them alive just days before. it makes me want to puke and cry my eyes out. the other day as i was walking home, i saw a tiny struggling bird on the side walk. i didn't know whether to leave it and let its mama come take care of it, or take it home and try to nurse it back to health. well, i left it (i know, i'm a huge jerk). today when i was walking home, i found it smooshed on the side walk like someone had stomped on it. rip my heart out why don't ya.

i've also been thinking about inception because, oh wait, i'm gong to see it tomorrow with gregward. i'm no leo dicaprio fan, but i do really like ellen page and i also l-o-v-e the dark knight and the prestige which coincidentally were directed and written by the same guy, christopher nolan, that directed and wrote inception so i figure it will probably be pretty good.

other then that, i plan to fully chill this weekend. no homework or housework, just me and my brother. yes please.

what's everyone doing this weekend?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

there is no charge for awesomeness.

here are some totally and completely awesome things that happened to me this week:

this morning a mother and daughter who saw me miss the bus stopped and picked me up and took me to school. (and wouldn't take gas money either.)

i saw a woman with an obe won kenobi hair cut, braid and all.

at plato's closet i found some white chucks in brand new condition for only $18.00 (usually go for $40-$60) say what?!

i go in for my second interview tomorrow, and then begins my roomies 2 day birthday celebration.

what's going on with you guys this week? i'm also gearing up for the second holiday in july, pioneer day. another day of fireworks and awesomeness with the family.

Monday, July 12, 2010

blogger award. why, thank you.

hey guys, one of my readers, emily over at empty sky, awarded me with the versatile blogger award.
i'm so flattered to have been given another blogger award! thanks emily!
so, along with this award comes a few rules: thank the person who gave you the blogger award (did that.) and share 7 things about yourself:
1. i hate to not have my nails painted.
2. my favorite animal is a giraffe.
3. it is currently 82 degrees (fahrenheit) in my apartment.
4. i love all things british (obviously).
5. i'm currently tired.
6. i am wearing north carolina tarheels booty shorts as i type this.
7. i was in the madrigal choir in high school.

thanks again emily. blog awards are wicked awesome.

in addition to that, i'm going in for a sort-of job interview today. cross your fingers for me. i need it.

happy monday all!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Annie Leibovitz + Disney = Magic

I came across a lot of these photographs a little while back and now that more and more are being released I HAVE to post them. They are beautiful works of art! Please keep in mind I do not own any of these photos nor do I claim to. They were all found on google.com/images. I do not have any affiliation with Annie Leibovitz or Disney and I do not represent either of them.

Just check out the lovlies ok?


((Michael Phelps and Julianne Moore as Ariel/The Little Mermaid))

((Beyonce Knowles as Alice, Lyle Lovett as the March Hare, and Oliver Platt as the Mad Hatter))

((David Beckham as Prince Phillip))

((Giselle Bundchen as Wendy, Tina Fey as Tinkerbell, and Mikhail Baryshnikov as Peter Pan))

((Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella))

((Jessica Beil as Pocahantus))

((Julie Andrews as Fate, Abigale Breslin as Fira))

((Jennifer Lopez as Princess Jasmine, Marc Antony as Aladdin))

((Zac Efron as Prince Phillip, Vanessa Hudgens as Sleeping Beauty))

((Whoppi Golberg as the Genie))

((Rachel Weisz as Snow White))

((Roger Federer as King Aurther))

((Tina Fey as Tinkerbell))

Beautiful right?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

the bad romance that went its separate way.

a couple of things to enjoy on your saturday:

this is great. soldiers that are fighting in afghan made an awesome music video to "separate ways". watch it if you haven't cause truly, its great.

i don't know who these guys are, but i've watched this about a billion times and i'm still not sick of it. videos like this always make me wonder "who are these guys?" and "where did they find the time to learn and practice this?" and lastly "where do they live cause i want to be friends with them." - enjoy:

and then last but not least, two movie trailers that i've been waiting for!
harry potter and the deathly hollows part I

and the chronicles of narnia: the voyage of the dawn treader
(even though my *one true love is only in the tralier for like .2 seconds (probably because he's so cocky they don't want to give him the satisfaction of trailer time...), i still gotta show it.
bah! don't they look friggin awesome? oh yeah, they do.

have a great weekend evrybody.

*if you're new to the blog and don't know who my "one true love" is, you should probably read this or this or i could just show you a picture here:
(he's got this crazy-cool/slightly weird bouffant going on... i don't know.)

oh and welcome to the blog! i'm glad to have you around. :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

What do vampires, fire trucks, dogs, and baby aviators have in common? Nothing.

5 random pics and the story behind them:
*these are 5 pictures I had saved to my computer and the story behind them. Please excuse the poor quality on some of them, as they were taken with my BlackBerry.

Pic #1 - Robward. Of course I have a pic of him, right?
Well, there's not really a story behind this picture. I found it on we heart it.com and I thought it was pretty adorable (it is, right?), so I saved it. The end.

Pics #2 & 3 - My "fireman experience".
When I worked at the Olive Garden a few years back, I worked with a fireman. One night, a few of my friends and I put together a "don't-get-bored" care package for my friend and his fellow firefighters and went down to the station to pay them a visit. While we were there they gave us a tour of the firehouse and my friend even dressed me up in his gear. Even though we had to leave early because they got a call, it was so much fun to see the behind the scenes stuff of what they actually do when they're there. A few weeks later we were invited back to ride in the fire truck and spray the hose they use to put out fires with. It was like I was 5 years old all over again. Aka: it. Was. Awesome.

Pic #4 - My once-upon-a-time-dogs.
Once upon a time, I had a dog. A few years back my roommate Kiki and I purchased a brother and sister puppy. Enter Jersey Bella (she's the smaller one on the left, and yes I know Jersey Bella pretty much sounds like a stripper name...) and Eddie (bigger guy on the right). These dogs were so rambunctious and full of energy, it was hard to keep up with them! But we loved them just the same. I could tell so many crazy stories about these dogs (like the time Eddie ran out into the street and almost got smooshed by a car, or when I was too lazy to get up and let them out into the backyard so I put them out through the window instead...) but that would take up way too much time. (If you really want to hear a story, e-mail me and we'll talk.) When I moved I had to get rid of Jersey because I couldn't have dogs in my new house. It was a sad, sad parting and I still think about her all the time. I hope the family that took her is taking good care of her and loving her as much as I did. (I hope the same for Eddie too.)

Pic #5 - Baby aviators
I love doting on my little brothers. I probably shop for them almost as much as I shop for myself. It's great. - Anyway, I found these "baby aviators" at Gap and absolutely had to get them. Don't Boo and Little M look great? I think so at least.

So those are my 5 random photos for the day. I'd love for you all to play along. It's not hard at all! Simply choose 5 random photos you already have saved to your computer and tell why you like the particular photo or the story behind it. - If you do this on your blog, send a link! I'd love to see what kinds of neat things everyone has to share!
Happy Friday.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

because i can.

whoo! today is such a lazy day for me. i don't have to do ANYTHING... okay. that's kind of a lie i do have a little bit of homework, but that's it.
a few days ago i withdrew from two of my classes. the workload was just too much for me right now and the stress was consuming. between worrying about money and a job (or in my case, the lack there of), being away from my family, and 12 credits worth of accelerated summer classes, i was ready to just sit down a cry. so i did the most sensible thing i could think of: i withdrew from two of my classes. now i only have 6 credits and i feel much better about my life. holy canoli.

so, what do i intend to do on my lazy day off?

finish unpacking and making my house pretty so it no longer looks like a white trash, blue collared american is living i my home.
{above is my room right now (please ignore the poor phone quality pic. since i don't live at home anymore, i no longer have the luxury of using the wicked awesome canon rebel.)
below is what my room needs to look like.}

read a little in my book (i'm re-reading the harry potter series starting with book 3. i want to refresh my memory before the first half of the 7th movie comes out.)

and i'm going to see eclipse... again. because i can. 

what are you doing today? what do you do on your lazy days off?

Friday, July 2, 2010

double feature day.

today i went and saw:
I have to say I was a bit disappointed with the later but gregward said it was only because i haven't seen any of the cartoons or anything. i think it was because i was expecting it to be a lot more epic then it actually was and i didn't realize it was made for kids. so, i'm sure that if i was like 10-12 i would have enjoyed it more. but it wasn't horrible. just not exactly my kind of movie.
it was sort of fun watching two jackson rathbone movies in one day, although in the last airbender his acting was a little... less then wonderful. i prefer him in twilight.
as for eclipse, it was great. (the previews were one of the best parts! the new harry potter trailer and the voyage of the dawn treader trailers were on eclipse. it was pure awesomeness) besides the movie itself there were some crazy wonderful stunts and camera shots that i really enjoyed (because yes, i look at things like camera angles and stunts in movies.) i must say new moon and eclipse have redeemed the twilight saga as far as movies go. they should re-make twilight right now and have it be as good as the last two movies have been or else remove it from the series completely because quite frankly its not worthy of its twilight name. and don't even get me started on breaking dawn. i don't even like the book and i think the movies should stop with eclipse.

anyway. i think that's plenty of vampire talk for now. - tomorrow is the 4th of july and i'm stoked. the 4th has always been one of my favorite holidays no matter what we've done and so i already know its going to be great tomorrow. i hope you all have as much fun as i do.

be safe. have fun. stay awesome.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

who am i?

i got this quote in an e-mail and i really enjoyed it. thought i'd share it with everyone:

"You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay? Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change."

1930-2009, Author and Speaker

in addition to those questions about those you hang around, are you the type of person that you'd want influencing yourself? your children?
always strive to be who you'd want to look up to. you never know who is watching you.

loves it.

well, today was completely wonderful.
i got a little bit of a tan while watching my little brother's last ball games, hung out with the fam for a bit, and played with my butler friends. we ate at the rio, played clue and titanic and sipped iced raspberry tea. it was simply pleasant and i loved it. when i got home, i could hear the crickets chirping and the frogs croaking.
basically, i loved today.

i love vacations. even if they are just to do nothing.

what's everyone doing for the 4th of july weekend?