welcome to my archives! these posts are what used to be on my blog just me. they are now here and something else is there.
visit just me to see what's there now in the place of where these used to be...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


yesterday, after much debating, searching around and building myself tons of different types of computers, i finally got myself one of these:

{hp pavillion dv6t in shell white. - via}

it should be here within the next 5-7 business days and i couldn't be more excited.

there's more to buying a laptop than i ever really realized.
you have to make decisions like:
am i a pc or a mac? (and quite frankly i'm neither. that whole "i'm a pc" or "i'm a mac" thing is kind of pointless to me. i just wanted a computer that would fulfill my needs in the way that i need them fulfilled.)
how much money do i want to spend?
how much memory/ram/storage do i need?
can i get a warranty?
a student discount?

it took me about 4 or 5 days to find the perfect laptop for myself, but i found it. (which i so couldn't have done without the help of my amazing friend who knows a ton about computers. thanks again mick.) 
hopefully with the arrival of my brand new computer, i'll be back to my regular blogging schedule soon!

until then, have a good one peeps.
you pretty much rock.

Monday, May 24, 2010

stay awesome.

so here is the story. one of our computers crashed (right at the end of crush week! bah!) and we're down to one computer which is currently being used for my brother's home school. which means no blogging for me for awhile and i can't read your blogs either.
just know i heart you all and i'll keep in touch as often as possible.
stay awesome.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

crush week {day 4 - fictional crushes.}

okay so just like we all have girl crushes (or if your a guy "bromance") we also have fictional character crushes. don't try to deny it or act like its weird because that just makes you look weird. what, you've never had a fictional crush before? psh.
here are some totally, utterly, and completely fake people who i'll admit, i crushed on for a bit.
(granted some where a while ago some are... more recent, either way, i dug 'em.)

{mr. darcy}
oh is that colin firth i see?
why yes, yes it is. what a coincidence.

{chuck bass}
wait, is that... ed westwick?!
i think it is!
again, coincidence.

{percy jackson}
i know, i know he's young.
so is taylor lautner... and justin b(ie)(ei)ber.

{edward cullen/jacob black}
yep. that's right. i'm team no one.
bella is stupid and if we're speaking fictionally here, i don't think she deserves either of them. not one bit.

{jack sparrow}
anyone else excited for pirates of the caribbean: on stranger tides?
i am.

i cringe to think this guy was played by orlando bloom.
blck. irregardless, i had a poster of him on my wall.

who are/were yours?
don't lie.
i know you have them.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

crush week {day 3 - my british love.}

it seems i have a thing for british guys. i don't know why that is, it just happens that way. usually its not till after i've liked them for awhile that i realize they're british.

lets take a look at celeb crushes i've had that are all coincidentally british!

(of course)

(of course)


any brits you like?
do tell.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

crush week {day 2 - girl crush.}

**before you read this post, please go read this.
thank you to kelly at dare to be domestic for sharing this story.

okay folks. its time for day 2 of crush week.

girl crushes.
we all have them. some of us just don't admit it.

mine consist of a few actresses, a singer, reality t.v. star and even a vs model (who doesn't love the angels!) all these women are not only beautiful but they've all also inspired me in one way or another. - aw tender...
take a look:



{reality t.v. star}


{victoria's secret angel/model.}


what more do i need to say?
who are your girl crushes? i know you have them!


p.s. all pics found via google.com/images and a big, huge welcome to my newest followers!

Monday, May 17, 2010

its crush week! {day 1 - kid crushes.}

its crush week ladies and gents.
i hope you're ready. i know i am.

as a girl, my life has been greatly affected by: crushes.
i've had crushes ever since i was very little and so this week i've decided to talk about those crushes. 
crush week: kid crushes.
(okay first of all can i just clarify i'm talking about crushes i had when i was a kid. not kids i have a crush on now. i'm no cougar/creepy pedophile - okay thanks.)
even as a kid there were guys that could get me all starry eyed and twitterpated.
at certain points in my life, there was little i loved more, then crushing on these boys:

(crush year(s): 1991)
rufio, rufio, ru-fi-oooooooo. 
i was 6 when this movie (hook) came out. 
i was also in love - with rufio.

jtt (johnathon taylor thomas)
(crush year(s): 1991-1998)
the first celeb poster i ever had hanging in my room was of jtt (i also had a calendar.)
i would say he was my biggest "child-hood-crush" (and longest.)
i watched tom and huck, man of the house, pinocchio, i'll be home for christmas, and the lion king about a million times each, because of jtt.
boy i thought he was a hunk. 
now rumor is, he's gay. don't know if its true or not but go figure.

devon sawya
(crush year(s): 1994-1997)
was there any girl who didn't watch casper and little giants over and over again just to watch the devster work his beautiful charm? - the best was wild america because you not only got devon, you got jtt as well. *sigh*
luke skywalker
(crush year(s): early 90's)
one of my guy friends would come over all the time and we'd reenact star wars.
i was leya. he was luke.
i loved how luke handled his light saber.
what a hottie.

adam banks
(crush year(s): 1992-1996)
i distinctly remember every girl who was a fan of the mighty ducks was a fan of the dreamy adam banks. 

(crush year(s): early 90's)
i cried when atreyu's horse died in the first movie (the never ending story), and cheered when atreyu triumphed. 
i guess my love for brown skin started at a very early age.
when i got a little older it was all about:
i loved these boys. i wrote hundreds of pages worth of fan fiction about these boys!
(if they ever do a reunion tour, i am so there.) 

and eminem
(i don't know why i liked him so much. i just did. maybe i was going through my "bad boy" stage. maybe it was because he reminded me of m&ms. i don't know really.)  

health ledger
(may he rest in peace)
okay so i crushed him till the day he died. that was a sad, sad day.

*sigh* young love. isn't it grand?
although i look back at 99.9% of those guys and wonder what i was thinking, i'll never forget how cute i thought they were.

who did you crush when you were younger?
i wanna know.

until next time,

{all pics found via google.com/images}

Friday, May 14, 2010

a little happiness for the weekend.

do you know what i love?
i love ridiculously adorable things.
you know, stuff that you see that makes you think its disgusting how cute that is. j'adore.
well i recently stumbled across a little shoppe that just about nearly rocked my socks of. 
i don't know how else to explain it. 
you must check out the busy bee shoppe.
my love for this shoppe is much like the love i have for modcloth.

so. this weekend, do yourself a favor and stop in at the busy bee shoppe. 
you wont be sorry. (you could also stop in at her blog. she's quite charming.) 

have a stupendous weekend peeps!
and get ready for next week: crush week - where i dish about every kind of crush.  


Thursday, May 13, 2010

its the vamps b-day.

*please forgive me for this post. :)

happy birthday robert.
(my one true love.)
my how you've grown. we've had some fun times together haven't we? 
remember when i was anxiously waiting in my theatre seat for harry potter 4 to begin?
you came on the screen as cedric diggory and i shouted to the entire theatre "cedric diggory is my boyfriend!" (and then those rude, insensitive-to-young-love spinsters turned around and shushed me. but i didn't care because i knew we'd always be in love!)
and it seems like just yesterday when ashes texted me and said cedric diggory was just cast as edward cullen. (ironically, ash was also in the theatre w/ me when i professed my love for you the first time...)
after that a world of love and hate surrounded us, but we remained strong.
i've always been there for you.
then you became "robsten" and "r-patz" and all sorts of other horrible people.
but i've always forgave you for the bad things you've dong (remember me, kristen stewart).
and in the end, i've always known our love was true.
you come second to no one (except for ben barnes) and i hope you look back and smile at the fun times we've had, just like i do.

happy birthday.

(ha. ha. ha.)


p.s. is it just me or do robert and jt look alike?

my 1st book signing.

*i apologize in advance for the craptastic quality of the photo i'll be sharing. that is all.

i recently went to my first ever book signing.
i've always heard of book signings just never been to one.
aprilynne pike (author of wings and spells) came to our town and my friend recruited me to go along with her to the signing.
i'm glad i did.
aprilynne (who is such a funny gal btw) shared the story of how wings came about and her journey to publication. it was great for me to hear since i am currently working on achieving the same goal. i ended up buying both the books (i had read wings last year when it very first came out and was anxious to read the sequel, spells, after its release a few weeks ago) and was able to have them signed by aprilynne! how inspiring. 
if you haven't read wings (or spells) i highly, highly, highly recommend them. 
especially if you like twilight.  
(you can read more about them on my ♥book recommendations & reviews♥ page) 


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

warning: venting in session. enter at own risk.

can i just vent for a second please? i realize all these matters that i'm about to address are really minuscule and un-important when it comes to actual life (aka life outside of the world wide web), however i don't care.
i also realize this could get pretty lengthy with explanation. again, i don't care.
i'm usually a pretty positive, easy going type of gal, but today i'm just annoyed.
*please note, none of these have to do with any of my readers. all 32 of you. :)

things i'm annoyed with today {or lately}.

{posts about dogs.}
don't get me wrong. i love dogs. i've had a few in my day and hope to have more someday.
i think they're cute and funny and great little buds. 
i even understand that dogs are like children to most people and that's something i can accept too. pictures of dogs on your side bars or as display pics don't even bother me. and neither do posts every once in awhile about how cute snuffles is, or that bingo is sick, or that fluffy is learning to go potty outside like a champ.
but constant posts (we're talking every day) about your dog and even worse, blogging like you are the dog?
come on.

{celeb/hollywood drama}
as a cosmetologist, i feel its part of my job description to stay up on the celebrity gossip. often times, clients that come in seek common ground with what i and she knows about who (um, did that make sense??). some stars i care about what's going on (i.e. sandra bullock, drew barrymore, justin timberlake etc.) and some i simply skip over (i.e. brangelina, or tomkat.)
but there are some celebs that i'm so sick of hearing about that whenever their name comes up i want to projectile vomit over whoever the poor sap was that brought it up.
i'm sick of hearing about:
{miley cyrus}
and she's everywhere. unavoidable. like taxes and death.

{justin beiber}
or is it bieber?... idk.
his hair looks like a helmet, his hats make him look like fivel the mouse, and when i hear his stuff on the radio i always have to double check with who ever is closest "is this a girl or a guy?"
this is one girl who's never gettin' beiber fever.

{lady gaga}
i like to refer to her as "lady gag-me". what is it about her that everyone is so mesmerized by?

{the gosselins}
so they had a ton of kids. who cares. thousands of families do that everyday and you don't see them trying to get money off their kids by starring in a reality tv show.
i thought we'd be in the clear once jon and kate plus 8 was canceled and they finally divorced, but no! they have to go invite the lady to join dwts.

{"r-patz" & "k-stew" aka robsten}
are they together or aren't they? who cares. 
really, who cares? 
what would be the benefit of knowing whether they were or weren't? 
plus kristen kind of drives me crazy. - i still have my love for rob though. 

{facebook posts/pictures}
facebook in general has been pretty annoying lately.
adds from people i don't know (this isn't myspace kids), people posting rude things about each other in status updates (this is also not middle school), and way too many adds for the facebook games (which i will admit i used to play, but i don't anymore.) but the two things that are getting me the most annoyed lately are: status updates letting the world know just how sick you are (for instance: a little less mucus then yesterday but my nose still feels like niagra falls. or can't get my head out of the toilet.) why can't you just sum it up with: i feel like crap?
and secondly: skanky pictures. way too many girls are posting way too much of themselves. (again, this isn't myspace!) and i can't help but feel the only reason a lot of them do it is to generate degrading, i'm-your-slab-of-meat type comments from guys. 
newsflash! its not cute. its trashy. don't do it. - with the amount of skin i've been seeing from my fb friends, i've felt like a freshman college student on mtv's spring break in the bahamas (which may sound cool, but was never something i was into.)
that about sums up my annoyances lately.
other than that i'm about peachy keen!
(and getting ready for a really exciting blog week next week. crush week. - i'll be talking [blogging] about all sorts of crushes. its going to be awesome. really.)
what are you sick of?